01 February 2019

I Like to Write:: Where did the Common Sense Go?

I have been pondering this for a few weeks now. Is trending more important than common sense? Is upping your number of views more important than common sense? These early 20s are completely scaring the shit out of me. They are so focused on strangers thoughts of them that they can't have relationships that involve real people, can they? Are they so driven by the views that they have forgotten to have human interaction.
Well they have to, because this new force behind humans and the acts against them are incorrect all around. Adults say don't bully, yet go to social media and argue with someone they will never meet. Adults say life means something, then vote to kill it before it begins outside of the womb. Adults say love all, yet beat a man for loving another. Why? Why can't you just mind your own business. Why must you be in someone else's.
It amazes me the challenges that trend. Eat tide pods, snort condoms, and dance around your car. Really? They do this for attention. Why do you need a million people to look at you? Why isn't the support of your family enough? You cannot do anything without a camera in your face anymore. You cannot finish an action without a camera to document it. I am guilty of that, I love posting our remodel projects, our before and after, but when we are having a moment, it is not recorded. Why can't some moments be private? Why is common sense gone? Why are we making these knee jerk reactions?
The lawmakers are doing everything they can to keep votes, they are producing bills with laws with topics I never thought would be in question. All for a vote. All to keep your seat and money in congress. All so that you can appease a certain group. We are no longer taking care of the people, for the people, by the people. We are taking care of certain groups that will keep them in office, to have power, to make rules.
I pray for my children every day. I grew up in a different time. They are growing up in a time that is so connected. So nosy and busy. Recorded and documented. Nothing is missed. Everyone has a reason to be angry and goes on rants daily. Everyone is rebutting an opinion because they are agreed upon. Their common sense is follow me, look at me, make me go viral. When in reality, your parents just want you happy. Your parents just want you have a good life. You don't need a million followers with a million views daily to have 'friends', you don't need to have all that to feel good about yourself. Hopefully you have a good family, a good support system, a good set of friends. You don't need a millions friends, you need one. One good friend. One person to push you through. Once person to maybe read your blog that you do for fun.
Sometimes watching the news, I wish I could just yell stop the madness, stop the insanity, and stop the judging. Only one person judges us and no one here on earth is Him, so you aren't capable. Mind your business. Love your people. And for heaven's sake please stop doing stupid stuff that can harm your body.