03 February 2019

I Like to Write:: Baths for Sanity

It's funny to talk to other moms. Only because you always think you are in the only one experiencing different situations, until you talk to that mom. We are all in the same boat. We all cherish bath/shower time. I know after working all day, being stressed about normal things, then coming home and the evening being crazy I look forward to my bath time. I laugh every time another mom agrees. Bath time is important. The kids get time with dad and I get 20 minutes of focusing on myself.

It's okay to be selfish sometimes. I think moms get so focused on taking care of house, kids, and husband that the guilt of taking care of yourself can ruin you. It took me months after my first kid to realize that if I wasn't good, neither was my family. I needed my sanity. My sanity is found in that 20 minutes in a bubble bath. That sanity is watching shows on my prime account on the phone while in my bubble bath. That sanity is taking a little longer some nights to give myself a few more minutes of quiet. It's not bad. It's healthy. Exercise is healthy. Eating chocolate is healthy for the soul. You do not need to ignore your needs because you have a little one hanging off your leg.

I love that my husband gives me time. He will take the kids with him to go somewhere even for 10 minutes. He will make sure they don't bother my bath time. If I want to watch something, there is time while folding laundry in the bedroom and they are told to hang out with dad for a while. Just those few moments can reset your mind so much.

So to all those moms out there that love bath/shower time, take advantage, don't rush and enjoy your ME time.