25 January 2019

I Like to Write:: I Suck

I suck. I do. I have been home. I have been home and haven't done half that was on that huge do-list I had. I was so excited to be home and get things done. Then that excitement wore off. The weeks began dragging on....I ended up on the couch. Some days I stay there.

It's hard not to get into your head during this. It's hard not to get drawn into the fighting, this side, that side... who's to blame, who needs to vote, who needs to grow a pair...

I have managed to keep the daily things done, I have continued to do a little here and there but honestly if this had to be full time, I would quit. I have always said I would never make it as a stay at home mom and now know I know why. I would go nuts. I have no kids at home. I have the dog. She sleeps 75% of the day. Snoring, flinching in her sleep. High five to the ones that love this, to the ones that chose to stay at home, to the ones that thrive at this part of adulthood.

I am ready to go back. My kids are ready for me to go back. With week four ending, I have gotten with some of my friends for lunch, walking, and bitching sessions. We are all fed up of the power struggle, the pissing contest that we just happen to be in the middle of. I desperately need my gym back, I need my workout partners back, and I need the peace of mind that I am contributing back.

So maybe I will get my second wind and continue with the things I would like to get done. I finished all the organizing and budgeting items that I wanted to begin at the new year but I would love to get some other things done while I am home. Let's see if I get off the couch long enough to do that.