11 January 2019

I Like to Write:: I Miss The Gym

I miss my gym. My gym is in the building I cannot go into until we are open again. I have been slacking with the excuse of we will open soon. I will get back on the wagon then. We still haven't opened. We are still at a stand still. It's cold. I have no where to run. We have weights, there's no excuse there except laziness. I miss it. It's like therapy. It's my chill time. It's my time that clears my head. It's the time that allows me to work out all the issues. 

Today, today I really missed the gym. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to walk fast or run a little. I wanted to pick up a heavy weight and just work until my arms wouldn't pick it up. That is my usual thing when I am upset. I take it all the gym, work it out, and go back to my desk a stress-less person. Today I was just upset. Today I was disappointed in humanity. Today I was let down by the heart that could have been shown. 

So they are calling for snow and all that so outside is still out. However I will get to the weights. I will do some floor exercises soon enough. I just miss the atmosphere of being in the gym. I miss the competitiveness of working out with a buddy. I miss the motivation of that buddy when you are tired or your legs hurt so bad you want to quit. Here by myself, when I decide I am done, I am done. No one is here saying 'one more rep'.