04 October 2012

Big Birthday Party!!!

So this year, I decided to go a little nuts and do A WHOLE LOT for their birthdays and to SPOIL them as much as possible. Ava is a great age, 3, and learning so much and able to do a lot more now than even this time last year. Hailey will be 1 this monh and we celebrated both at one time. We have a huge guest list and I was NOT going to do this twice.

Last year we went to her friend Cari's party and they had face painting and a balloon guy there. They were really awesome.

not happy with strangers but liked her painting

2011 party

So in January or February I emailed and asked a few questions and ended up booking the "Glitterbugz" company. They worked with our date, so glad I booked them months in advance, and I had one thing marked off my list early.

So all year I had been working on ideas and how I wanted everything. This past weekend it went into action. I think everyone had a good time. If they didnt, no one is telling.

The kids all had a great time I am sure, they had a line for the facepainting and balloon guy the whole time they were there.

with her BFFs


he was a busy man

blowing out her candles with daddy

Cant wait to see what I do next year to make them happy!

I love birthdays, they are a special day, as long as I am living the girls birthdays will be a special day filled with anything and everything they could have dreamed of.