04 April 2012


Hailey is growing like a weed. She recently had a wellness check up. She is now 14 lbs 14 oz, and 26 inches long. Soon she will be taller and out weight her big sister Ava. She is now rolling over and practicing to sit up on her own. I cannot believe that this month she will already be six months.
She and Ava have grown so close to each other. She is now ‘talking’ and yelling so much. Her personality is definitely apparent now. She is laid back but really not. It’s hard to describe. She will lay on you and watch TV or Ava play and not move much, just take it all in. She will play in her bouncer and just squeal and play for over an hour.
She is still not sleeping through the night. I don’t think that will ever come. She is my whiny baby. She fusses a lot but not like its all day, it’s more at night. She loves to cuddle. She will wrap her arms around your neck, makes me feel so good.
She is now in size 3 diapers. She’s in 6 to 9 months clothes. She hates wearing socks, cant keep them on her. She is teething and drooling on everything.
She’s gorgeous. She has the biggest blue eyes.
She loves her daddy. (Both girls do, I don’t stand a chance when he’s in the room)