Later that afternoon, Kenny took Ava to run a few errands so Hailey and I were able to rest and lay around. She just looked sick. I hate it when you can see it in their eyes, pink and tired looking.
Over the weekend, Ava took over taking care of Hailey. She has been such a big helper, she is very concerned about her. After Kenny finished listening to Hailey's chest, Ava decided she needed to check this out too.
So Hailey has been home all week with Kenny while she has been recoverying. When Ava went to Vickie's she told everyone Hailey was sick and went to the doctor and when it was time to go home, she actually didn't fight me but got in the car so she could come home to check on Hailey.
So it's been a week since Hailey's symptoms started. She is getting a little better, her cough is lingering which I don't care for but hoping it will clear up soon. She still isn't eating well and just started sleeping a little better. So a rough week for everyone, I haven't sleep more than two hours at a time and feels like we are back in that newborn stage. Cannot wait for her appetite to return and sleeping to return. We are just doing what we need to keep her comfy and happy.