30 June 2010

EMS Softball Tournament

This past weekend, Kenny participated in the annual EMS Softball Tournament. Teams came from the City Hospital ER, Berkeley County's Ambulance Crew (98), Volunteer stations within the county, and the Martinsburg Fire Fighters.

Last year was fun, I was 6 months pregnant in the heat watching the boys play. They actually won, which was exciting.

So we went this year as Defending Champs.

This year, not pregnant, thank goodness, because the heat and humidity about killed everyone. I dropped Ava off at my moms, I couldnt make myself have her out in the heat even though I would have loved to spend the day with her. She spent the day with her "Nanny" playing and swimming in the kiddie pool.

I sat in the heat and sun, sweating my butt off, talking to the girls. It was fun. Kenny and the department played, but once everyone got there I lost track of who they were playing and the score. There were kids running around and familys chatting and everyone cheering. It was a really good time, except for the humidity.

They did a great job, but fell short. Maybe next year!