28 March 2022

I Like to Write:: When It Gets Tough, Pray Harder

I'm trying. Lord knows I am trying. We have been hit with a 180 degree spin at work. We have had our schedules and lives uprooted over a control issue. I am thankful that for once my schedule wasn't messed with however lots of my friends have been burned. Single moms are being forced to choose between work and home life. Kids will be wondering why mom is more stressed out. I am letting out my frustrations as minimal as I know how, but my face doesn't lie. Nothing about work right now is a happy time. They believe that this is how they will get higher production. They believe that this is how they will get their next promotion. They move on and go to other 'station' while here we are in good ole WV still living, still working, and still trying to take care of our families. We are and have been here for 15 years taking care of these men and women. We have gone through several commands, several leaders, and many changes, each one has their own way of doing things, and we conform. 

We are tired of conforming. It has come to a head. The floor has been quiet. The floor has been stuck to themselves. The floor has been confused. No reasoning, no explanation, and no communication....surprise surprise there. The only thing keeping me calm is coming home. I figure its only a matter of time before we are back 5 days a week. Who cares about the time, its the way its been handled. We are to just accept it and move on. 

Adult life stinks sometimes but reading some key verses and being with my family has always helped.