27 February 2022

I Like Writing:: Death and Divorce..the Thoughts that come...

So I have many friends in different stages of life. I have younger friends and older friends. My husband's family is very large and many of his 2nd and 3rd cousins have become some really close people and some mentors in my life. They have really helped me grow with my faith along with helping with my children. With the tragedy of the last 2 years, I have friends who have lost siblings, spouses, and parents. Many to that awful virus, and some to just illnesses that they couldn't fight. Death seems to be surrounding me more at this age. The uncertain of life. However with our faith, we know this isn't a goodbye just a see you soon. We know that we won't be away from each other long. We know that death is expected even when it's unexpected as some has been, you have remember that He is waiting at the pearly golden gates for us. 

This past month a friend's husband returned home after battling that virus for months and this past week a friend said goodbye to her husband after battling that virus. You just don't know how your body will fight and how bad the virus will attack. This right here has me thinking. How do you dedicate your life to one being only to be left alone at the end? It's hard. Widow isn't really an attractive term. Then I went from widow to divorce. I have witnessed numerous divorces and almost divorces since I got married. I guess when that happens, you have to know that you won't be there for them when they are battling an illness, or old and it's their time. 

I know during marriage we all have our moments, those moments when you question is this marriage for you. But mostly always the answer is, it's a bump and yes you love this person. I know for myself the question is always, could I live without him? No, but ultimately I know there may be a time when I have to. It scares the crap out of me. 

Whenever I am faced with this reality, it's just a whirlwind of thoughts and fears. Also a lot of prayer for those that have lost. How are they able to get up knowing that the morning routine with their loved one is gone? How do they sit at family events not breaking inside? Support and love. Shower your friends and family with love. Ask how they are doing. Show up with drinks and dinner. Don't give up when they want to. And those that are divorcing or maybe questioning their marriage...be an ear, be a friend, and support them through a very hard decision.