23 March 2020

I Like to Write:: Apple Watches

I have been thinking about this for months now and now that conversation is so distracted, it just got to the point where it needed to written down. Apple watch wearers are a pain to have a conversation with and are rude as hell. When sitting and talking, having a serious conversation, your heart bleeding with emotion and they look down at their watch. See they think they aren't being rude because they aren't looking at that phone, they phone isn't in their hands, and the phone isn't lit up, but its there, they are reading something while you are trying to talk to them. Why? Why the technology? Why can't you just talk to someone. Now they don't even need the phone beside them, nope whether you are in your cube at work, outside in the yard, or having a fun girls day, that phone is now attached to their wrist. The biggest annoyance has to be when they start a conversation with you, you didn't seek out this time together, but the wrist is filled to be looked at 100 times, WHY did you want to talk?

How can we teach our kids not to be rude when we are surrounded by adults that are every day? I hate having a conversation with a distracted person, I try to give someone my full attention and the older I get the more aware I am of the distraction of this world now.

I don't know what spurred this rant, but it's been on my mind for a while. I think I just get tired of no eye contact, a head nod, or just plan reading their watch and not even engaged in the conversation yet. Self Isolation at this point is easy because most people get on my nerves.