18 May 2017

Release with Review:: The Boy Friend by Mika Jolie

Title: The Boy Friend
Author: Mika Jolie
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Published: April 25, 2017

According to the law of attraction, women and men can’t be friends.

Contrary to this myth, my friendship with Coriander Phillips does not rest on unrequited love or un-actualized lust. We’ve been inseparable since the day I pulled one of her pigtails and she punched me in the gut.
She’s hilarious, fun to hang out with. Together, we’re like peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti and meatballs, wings and beer. A match made in heaven.
She’s the bomb.
Did I mention she’s smokin’ hot? I’ve checked her out…maybe once or twice. Hey, I’m a guy.
Seriously, no awkwardness, no secret yearning for our relationship to escalate beyond the purely platonic. I’m the boy friend—the loyal shoulder she cries on, the dispenser of coffee, sympathy, hugs, advice, and affection with no expectations.
Until the invisible line between friends and lovers became blurry.
Now I want more. I want her.
All I have to do is convince her we can be more than friends. 
If only it were that easy.

Holy Crappers, this one was funny and soulful. Yes Dean got you in the heart. I love a man that makes you laugh and boy did I giggle through most of this book.

Mika gives us Dean's point of view as the friend that is male to a girl. A guy that doesn't want a relationship. A guy that believes just because he puts all out there that the woman he is with should just accept it. His thoughts made me laugh. His thoughts on cuddling: "Cuddling after sex is one of her favorite things. Pets are good for cuddling. Preferable a dog. They're furry and warm. I am not a dog." He wants his and then wants to go home.

When Cori, the girl best friend, decides she wants it all, he has some serious thoughts to this. Mainly, selfishly, about his friendship status with Cori. "They'd probably end up married or worse, fall in love. Eventually the dickhead would develop some sort of hostility toward my place in her life. See where I'm going with this". He wants her to date. He wants her to find love. He doesn't want the boyfriend that will eventually become a husband to push him out of her life.

Then one night things change. The confusion of feelings. The off put way that Cori tries to keep things the way she believes Dean would want them to stay. The way Dean fights with himself about what is going on with Cori. Mika digs you in and you might as well pull up a chair because it hooks you. These feelings are real. The feelings of friends becomes blurry, you get jealous of them having other friends. You want the attention that you always have. These two have a routine of a couple, both just don't realize it. Until they do.

This was not my first read from Mika and it certainly will not be my last. The words flow easily. The stories grab you from the start. The characters are sweet and funny.
Mika Jolie is the bestselling author of the Martha’s Way series. She lives in New Jersey with her Happy Chaos—her husband and their energizer bunnies. A sports fanatic and a wine aficionado, she’s determined to balance it all and still write about life experiences and matters of the heart. Let’s face it, people are complicated and love can be messy. When she’s not weaving life and romance into evocative tales, you can find her on a hiking adventure, apple picking, or whatever her three men can conjure up.

She loves to hear from readers. Connect with Mika on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Amazon. 
For latest news on her current works-in-progress, interviews with fellow authors, or just to see what she's up to, check out her website: http://www.mikajolie.com or sign up for her newsletter http://mikajolie.us8.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=031e437e36c82d666bd5f3d46&id=af83626053 where you can hear her latest news and enjoy giveaways.

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