25 December 2021

I Like to Write:: 2021 was just WEIRD!

So anyone else just think that 2021 was weird. Like 2020 was messed up, like not seeing people, stores closed, couldn't work in the building, it was a mess BUT we got over it. Everything slowly opened back up, we went back to work, and we were just a little more cautious. 

2021, what can I say? You sucked. Everyone just seemed in a daze. Time slowed down for sure, you didn't see people that you normally saw and the division just got larger. People are divided over the masks, vaccine, there are people back full time in office, people still at home, kids are being punished with numbers from adults, remarkable fast tracking of medicines and injections without much data. Its been so much more of a mess than 2020. Its just been off. The whole year has been like an off day, however that off day has continued for almost 365 of them. 

I am over politics making people so angry they just stop being the humans you know they can be. I am tired of people actually thinking they have the right to know your 'status' of injection or not. I am over people all together, there is so much over reach, so much meanness, and so much disregard to others. People are just rude. 

Mental health, why doesn't this country really sincerely care about it? They talk a big game, every celebrity will come forward asking YOU to give money for an organization OR ask YOU to be nice to others. However when looking on social media AKA the Devil, you see all the evil in the word at your finger tips. Tik Tok is actually causing destruction of property and challenges that could potentially kill yourself or others and its still available. Twitter is just a big dysfunctional family type setting, arguing amongst politicians, celebrities, and just your average Joes. Facebook is censoring you even when you aren't aware and keeping tabs on all your activity. Snapchat is a wonderful way to hide anything with it disappearing once sent. And instagram....well I like this....pictures.....maybe some drama in the comments but its pictures of life and usually at least on my feed happy lives.   

Why doesn't this country and the medical community make it better on those who need the help? Why are suicides up, domestic violence is up, and kids at home alone up...its all going to hell in a basket and no one seems to care. BUUUUUTTTTT make sure you have your mask on and you get that awful injection. YEP I SAID IT. I am so over the big stuff going to the back burner and we are seriously worried if you are breathing on someone else. Sorry but the close talkers were always a bother, you are always moving back, no one is in your face unless you want them in your face, I am still giving hugs and kissing others on the cheek if saying goodbye, and I am sharing a bed with my husband without a mask. 

Six months ago, I decided I needed to stay more aware of my mental health and a few others in my life. I needed to do those check ups. I needed to send that text. We can be the change. We don't have to allow the media, social, print, or paper to drag us down a hole. I have lots of plans for 2022 and I hope that I am able to keep the timelines up and to keep going. I will not be stopped by fear. 

I am just hoping 2022 isn't really back to normal per say, but just not weird. I hope people find themselves because I think we all got a little lost. I think we all just got so consumed with ourselves and so deep into all the stories and rumors.  So here's to strong friendships, many family functions, and many laughs.