13 March 2019

I Like to Write:: Competition

When does the competition end? Are you a competitive person? I am not so much. I like the fun of it. I don't need to win. I don't even need to participate maybe just watch. I know very competitive people. I know those that winning is everything. I know that the competition though must end sometime. Some people just don't turn it off. It's exhausting to always be on alert. 
To be competitive in sports or other things will be looked at a good time. Should be competitive when we are at home? If someone cleans more or does the laundry more or maybe just understands the kids so they do that, should the other person one up that person? Should the person who thinks they did a really good job, be made to feel inadequate because someone else can do it a little faster, cleaner, or better? It's just been circling in my head. Do people really make others feel like they can't do anything right? Yep. It happens. It breaks my heart when I hear about it. 
So maybe instead of criticizing so harshly or going behind that person to fix what they didn't do right in your eyes, maybe....just maybe encourage them in some way. I have no clue how you would do that because I am not in your shoes, but I do know that encouraging someone or telling someone they were helpful can make their day.