08 March 2019

I Like to Write:: Certain Phrases In Life

Are there certain phrases that just irk you? I have a few, the most I hear though is 'It must be nice to be government'. Why is it so nice to be government? I have no clue. We really don't get much more than the private sector. We don't have long or short term disability, no maternity leave, you get cancer---you have no time once you hit zero which means your premiums won't be paid. Yea it's sooo nice to be government.
I think the biggest issue is money and leave. I have worked very hard for my position. When I am in my chair, I work very hard to complete my work. Most days I leave mentally exhausted with a headache. When I do brag about a perk, that phrase is thrown up quickly in my face though. Why? I don't understand. Is it jealousy? Why would someone be jealous of a job? We all work. We all do what we love. If you are doing what you love and aren't weeping in some of the benefits I get, then why would you be scornful of that? I think there are times when we all think man that would be nice. I can honestly say I have worked every hard to move up through the years of my career to make sure that I do have the nice things. I wasn't given this job, I wasn't favored, and I certainly am paying back the student loans for my education.
I have always heard this phrase but especially since the furlough this year it has really cut right through me. The government is such an ugly subject, why? I don't know I am proud of our government, we could be in a 3rd world country with no clothes on our back and being told what to do and when to do it. I am just rambling but truth be told this phrase and a few others really make my hair stand.

When I hear this phrase especially out of the mouth of family and friends I begin to wonder if they are willing to say that to my face, what do they say behind my back? Are we really as close as I would like to believe. Are we really respecting each other? Are we really praying for each other? Are we really happy for each others successes? Or are we always trying to one up each other and don't even realize it. Are we always trying to be able to do better than the other so we can say she/he doesn't have this or that and I do. I don't like that. We at bless with a healthy family. We are blessed with a roof over our head. I am blessed with a man that is my best friend and partner in all things.
I've gotten to the point where I don't share great things with people. If I get a raise or an opportunity to do somethin wonderful at work. I share with my husband and friends that work in my field. I share with those that understand. I have been holding back while thinking why I am holding back my hard work. Well because I would hate to offend someone who stays at that dead end job or someone that won't go back to school to learn a trade, or someone who  would rather complain than do something to help them move forward in the job.
So I am going to enjoy my snow days because my job would rather have me safe at home than dead on my way to work. I am going to enjoy my pay because honestly in the realm of things according to others I should be getting paid more with the amount of work that is required of us. I am going to enjoy the amount of leave I accumulate because of my time served. I am going to enjoy that I can take care of my family. I am going to enjoy that I work for a company that cares about my well being. I am going to enjoy the fact that I do not have to choose between work and family, my work always wants me to choose family. I am going to enjoy having supervisors that understand my family dynamic and that I am needed at home sometimes. I am going to enjoy having people in my little circle that let me vent when people say 'It must be nice to work for the government'. Because it is, it is wonderful to serve my country. It is wonderful to know I am helping make a difference. It is wonderful knowing that I work with 2 large maritime companies and take care of over 20,000 mariners.