29 March 2019

I Like to Write:: Perfume

I found myself 2 weeks behind our Pastor's sermons. We went out of town one weekend and I had a sick kid the next. I usually try to listen before the next lesson from our wonderful leader but time has gotten away from me. Soccer practice, laundry, a non stop busy at work, yet I usually find time. We are settled from our big move at the office and I now am finding time to just sit and think. Although thinking can become the enemy, there are times it's wonderful. 
This past Thursday, I had to work a later time schedule and decided I needed and wanted to take a few minutes to catch up on those sermons. Our Pastor is currently in the book of Ecclesiastes. It's been a rough book, but very interesting. I think to someone younger maybe not, but right now at this time in my life, it's hitting home. We have discussed jealously, friends, death, and many other points that at this time in my life I think about.
Within his lesson for Chapter 7, he stated that the writer was telling us that sometimes life is hard for a reason. Life is not supposed to be roses and glitter. Pastor brought up the analogy of covering up the bad like you would a smell with perfume. Don't ask me why but that phrase has stuck in my head for over 24 hours now.
I keep thinking how many people when talking to me are smiling a coy smile to only go back and talk about the conversation, gossiping and talking behind my back. As Pastor states for every one good thing there might be 4 that is badly said about you. Not that I didn't already know this but when its brought to the forefront and to your attention by the Word, how honest is this Book in the Bible? It has truly hit home more than once when listening to Pastor explain the 'Art, Thou, and Whatnots' of the Bible language. 
Life isn't supposed to easy, things are not supposed to be handed to us. But lately that seems to be shifting to the new American dream. It's sad really. There are those that have had such hardship to get where they are. There are many that have fought the good fight. Their faith and fight is what have kept them in the big race of life. They haven't given up. They haven't asked Why Me? then turned around and quit because it was them. They may have asked Why Me? But they answered, because He chose me, that's why. 
I'm thankful for a friend who's most used phrase is 'God is so Good'. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we need to be reminded. With this friend around I am reminded daily. 
You are going through these moments for a reason, sometimes it is very hard to see but there is a lesson. When we are able to work out of the fog and see the lesson, whether it be bad or good, we always know it was God's doing, it was his way, not our way, we do no control anything. 
I am a big questioner. I am big with why now, why can't it be this or that, why do I have to go through this. I am getting better at accepting that it's not me and its a higher force choosing that difficult situation to come into my life with a purpose. 
So now that these words are written, maybe that lesson about perfume and the will of it all will move on from my thoughts. Maybe not.