28 December 2018

I Like to Write:: For Hire??

Is it too early to panic? This news is stressful. I should stay away. I feel like I need a sign that states "For Hire but only until the government reopens"....will anyone do that? I am computing bills and what will be coming in and man it is becoming stressful. Making sure that my family is taken care of while trying not to give the impression that we need to worry. I don't want my kids to worry. So for now I am putting on a smiling face and saying how much I am enjoying my 'vacation'.
So I am budgeting like crazy, thankfully this is what I wanted to do in 2019 anyways. I am making sure our checks will go far. Last time was 16 days and we weren't prepared. This time I can say we have been saving just for this, however I believe that it may be closed longer than 16 days which means I will miss a paycheck. Last time I was due a check and it came just as normal.
Thankfully the family has had lots of time together, until they all go back to work and school and I will be left at home. I am slowly reorganizing drawers and such, I think this will get progressively worse once I am left alone. I am thinking of painting, we have lots of paint but havent had the time to wipe all the walls down, sand them, and paint. I have plenty now. 
So here's to down time and maybe a little panic. The grown up in me will not allow me to enjoy this time as much as I want to.