31 December 2018

I Like to Write:: Bath Bombs

My children are obsessed. They are in love with bath bombs, and I am kinda still on the fence. I am so behind on the times anymore. Sometimes I am still in 1995. They're okay. They made my bath smell good and fizz a little. My kids though get the biggest kick out of the bubbling and water changing.
So I tried this lavender, I don't know what I was expecting if anything but it did relax me. I love lavender was excited to see this smell. I personally don't think I will buy anymore but I think my kids will somehow get them out of me. For the moment we have plenty to get us through.
This is such a good market though. We have bath bombs for seasons, different reasoning behind the smell, and they even have kits to make your own. No clue if I will ever get on board with this completely, I love my bubbles more, but as long as the kids are happy who am I to ruin it.