23 October 2012

2 sick kids, no sleep, and teething

This past week has been horrible. We have had plenty of bad nights in our household since having Ava 3 years ago, but this past week ugh! Both girls went down pretty fast with colds. Runny noses. Coughs. Attitudes. Clinginess. Whiny. All of it times 2!!!

Hailey has had a runny nose for about a week or a half, she had a bottom tooth pop through, and now she has a terrible cough.

Ava started with a fever last week, diagnosed with an early ear infection, runny nose, and lots of attitude from not feeling well.

Their days havent really been too bad, its when the sun goes down that all heck seems to break loose in our house. The lack of sleep has made me a bear right along with them. I can usually run off little/no sleep pretty well, I like to think so anyways, however I have my breaking point.

The past 4 nights have gone down like this: girls asleep by 830, Ava back up by 1030 needing water, 1230 Hailey wakes up coughing, 1 or 130, Ava is up for water, 230 Hailey screams for 2 hours or so, Ava in the middle of this screaming wakes up one or more times for more water. We are all up for the day by 6 or 630 and they are off to daycare while I go to work. My hubby, god bless him, is up then goes to work a long shift where he may not sleep there either.

Ava is on day 5 of her medicine and actually woke up smiling like her old self. Hailey's nose is no longer running. Both girls seem happy. However this was at 630 in the morning. Lord only knows what this evening will bring.

I am hoping for a good couple of nights before Hailey has any more teeth come through. It seems like she is good then a tooth really bothers her until it pops through. Ava's ear infection seems to not be bothering her anymore.

So we go from here. I am only wishing for good moments. We all want good moments. The bad ones are okay too, just want my girls to feel better, to play, to not be lumps on my couch. I have enjoyed the snuggle time. But they both snuggle when they are well. I would rather have them playing than on my lap most of the time. I love hearing them laughing together. I love it when Ava yells "come look at us mommy" and they are doing something silly. I am sure it will all be back to normal soon enough. I will be then pulling my hair out wishing that they would just sit for a minute so I can get a break. But life with these two will never have a dull moment, they are already partners in crime together, looking out for each other, and getting into trouble every day with each other.