06 February 2012

My Valentine

As Valentine's Day is approaching this year I keep thinking about the first fall when I met Kenny. I really don't know why. But it keeps replaying in my head, some of the interactions we had in class, during or on breaks, until I handed him the paper with my number.

The fall of 2004 we both signed up for a Communications class at Blue Ridge on Saturday mornings. As I walked up to the classroom, there stood this tall, handsome guy with a WVU hat on. He was staring at the floor, swaying back and forth, clearly irritated that the door was locked and we were waiting for someone with a key.

After class, he bolted out and was gone before I could get the chance to even say hello. Most Saturdays, it was the same, I couldn't get him to talk. It was aggravating. During breaks, we sat in the hall, everyone chatting in their little circles, he kinda sat there, looking at this watch, like the break was taking forever. One Saturday, we were talking about hanging out and he chimed in. His smile, so handsome. It still takes my breathe away. For the next couple Saturdays, he talked a little more and a little more.

I kept telling my cousin how much I wanted to date him, even if just one date. He was and still is so cute. I told her that by the end of the semester we would go out on at least one day, at least I hoped so.

In early October I gave him my number, told him to give me a call sometime and we could hang out. It took him almost 2 weeks but he did call. I dont know why but I was so happy he did. By the end of October we were dating and here we are today together for 7 1/2 years, married for 3 1/2 years, and 2 babies later.

Love him so much, I couldn't imagine it any other way. He makes it all better.

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