12 January 2012

2 Month Check Up

Hailey was 2 months old about 2 weeks ago, but her appointment was this past Tuesday. Everything is going great. The doctor was happy with her eating and growth. He said she sounded good when listening to her lungs. She was cooing and starring at him, so he knew that she has developed as she should be. She is growing so fast.

Her weight is 11 lbs 12 oz, she is 23 ½ inches long, and her head is 15 ½. She is my little chunky monkey. That's what I call her anyways. She has gotten through all her just getting out of the womb grips and is starting to settle down. She isn't as fussy anymore and is staying awake more during the day.

In comparison at this age Ava was only 9 lbs 4 oz and 22 inches long and her head was 15. I know that having a second one, I was more prepared and actually knew what I am doing and the doctor said we are doing a great job. We have corrected her gas issues with a new bottle, gotten her on a somewhat steady schedule, and she is beginning to recognize her name and definitely knows voices because she will turn her head right around to see whoever is talking.

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