26 October 2011

Special Birthdays..

Have I mentioned that both our girls share birthdays with special people in our lives??
Ava shares her birthday with Kenny's step mother Sarita, she has been a part of the family for a long time. It was awesome to have Ava on her birthday.

Hailey shares her birthday with one of my best friends. Alicia and I have been friends since 9th grade. We have been through it all, argued, not spoken, disconnected, reconnected, and now having kids of our own and sharing our experiences to help each other. She has been such a big part of my life. Our kids, all born within months of each other, are a staple in our lives and have brought us closer through the years. I was there for her wedding day, she for mine. I am there for her through a family crisis and she has always had an ear there for me. When I went into labor on the 19th, one of the first things I asked Kenny was to text my sister in law to see if she could let Alicia know I was in labor and this baby might be delivered before midnight, meaning it would be on her birthday. She and I have always made a big deal of our own birthdays, even though we both will turn 28 this year, we both count down, make sure everyone around us knows, and enjoy the time with our family to celebrate the day we came into this world. We are pretty awesome people! LOL

I couldnt have asked for better people for my girls to share their birthdays with.