08 March 2011

Growing So Fast

My Avabug is growing like a weed. She is just learning so much and talking up a storm. It is unbelievable how fast kids grow. She is so sweet. She has been talking on pretend phones lately having vivid conversations with everyone she knows. She is getting more and more teeth. Its just fun to watch her imagination develop. She is playing more and more with her dolls, feeding and taking care of them. She will be at her kitchen and bring me a 'cup of tea'. She can be a handful sometimes. She has a mind of her own and she is stubborn sometimes that I just walk away until she makes her decision. She likes to do things at her own time. She understands directions so well that sometimes we just sit here amazed. She is still tiny. She is starting to get thick hair and Becky actually pulled some of it up in a little teeny tiny ponytail. She loves her cousins. Asks for them by name and demands to see them at times. She loves the outdoors. Taking her outside hasnt been an easy thing with the weather but now that it is getting warm it is hard to get her back inside. She loves her daddy. She mocks his actions and makes noises with him (yelling and gibberish). She talks with him whether he is there or not. (on her phone) I cannot believe she will be 18 months next week.