02 August 2010

It's Finally Over....

In 2008, before our wedding, Kenny decided he was going back to school to get his Paramedic and maybe work at a Fire station or somewhere. Well in July 2008, he tested for Martinsburg FD and was hired in August.

School also began in August. So our adventure began. Kenny was working 24's and taking night classes. I was so happy for him, he seemed really happy. I was busy planning our wedding.

January 2009, we found out that we were expecting our first baby, Ava Marie. He was in full swing: working, school, and clinicals. I slept through most of my first trimester and was busy in the last months preparing for her.

September 2009, Ava came into this world. I think being away became harder but it was life and we had to do it. He had break coming up in December.

2010 we could see the light, it was his last semester. Ava was becoming more mobile and beginning to recognize that daddy isnt home all the time.

May 2010, he had his last class and last clinical and his schedule was a little more free. Trust me Ava is enjoying it. Her love for her daddy has grown and she now will call out 'Dada' or 'Daddy' if he isnt in the room and she wants him to come. It's so cute that she has learned that.

August 2010, he's finished. I couldnt be more proud of him. He truly is my other half and I am lucky for it. He keeps me grounded and calm and helps me out with decisions that I wouldn't like having to make on my own as a mom. He looks out for me and Ava. He's just the best.