27 April 2010


Last night around 7 pm Ava was playing on the floor, I decided to join her. She was having a ball playing with her plastic Easter eggs, I took one and went to the other end of the living room and called her name. Kenny also got down on the floor and tried to motivate her to come to me. She was smiling and bouncing. She saw the egg and yelled then she went from sitting up to on her knees and hands. I was sooo excited. Here she came towards me. She stayed on her left knee and used her right foot to crawl all the way over to me. She got her egg, sat up, and smiled at me. She was very proud of herself. I clapped yelled 'yay' and gave her kisses to let her know she did a very good job.

I quickly went to get my camera to record her doing this new and exciting movement. As soon as she saw the camera she was on the move towards me. She is so excited about crawling and Kenny and I are so happy for her.

Its a whole new world now. She is officially mobile and all over my house. I'm sure the baby gates will be going up soon, we have had them for a couple of weeks waiting on her to get to this point. She has been close for so long. As I have said many many times before watching her grow and watching her learn new things is just too exciting and I am so thankful for her in my life.