10 March 2010

The Home Tones....In the Middle of the Night

I am writing to share with you my middle of the night/early morning scare!!!!
I am very proud of what my husband does, but when you are sound asleep and thankful that Ava is sleeping, the dog isnt wining, and you still have a couple hours until you need to get up for work and you are woke up by a loud alarm and then a woman's voice stating "All personnel report for working structure fire at ......" it scares you a bit.

We have only had a few instances when the City of Martinsburg has called all the firefighters in to work in the middle of the night when he's been off, but every time it goes off I'm like "Holy Crap".
Kenny gets up and gets dressed, we get kisses and goodbyes and hes out the door...when will he return...when the fire is out....